Thursday, June 21, 2012

Running with the Romans

It would appear I'm doing moderately better on the schedule front. I managed to sleep until around five this morning and tossed and turned until just before six when I decided to get up. Overcome with an unusual desire to be a healthy human being, I decided to go for a run. Trastevere is quite close to Villa Pamphilli, one of the largest if not the largest parks in Rome, and when Dad and I were wandering last night he'd pointed out the staircase that was a shortcut into the park. There was still a good kilometer or two to go from the top of the stairs to the park entrance, and when I arrived there the gate was locked. I kept running and came to the next gate, which was also locked. The runner behind me, a larger man around my father's age, took one look at the closed gate and scaled it. I was debating following him but just as I'd mustered up the courage a police car drove by, so I opted to turn around instead and run back. By the time I got back to the first gate, a large group of people were waiting, which I assumed meant the park was about to open. There were the cutest, chubbiest wiener dogs, and I wish I'd covertly got a picture of them because my best friend would have just died. Anyways, just before six a truck pulled up to unlock the gate and we all converged. The park was gorgeous (let's be honest, is anything in Rome not?). But seriously. There is so much green space in Rome and I think a lot of tourists miss out on it. And it doesn't matter where you go. You will find ruins.

I adored the way the light came through the trees

I'm not really sure what this is, but I ran past it. 
Way cooler than what I usually run past at home.

As much as I was loving the park, my legs were getting a little sore, and I vaguely remember the fellow at the store saying to take it easy on my first few runs with my Vibrams (close to 10 km up and down hills on uneven ground is easy, right?). Plus I was worried if I took too many more turns I'd never make it out of the park alive, and the sun was coming above the trees. I hadn't put sunscreen on and I'm pretty awesome at turning into a lobster. I miraculously found my way back to where I'd started and stopped for my €1.50 morning cafe e cornetto (espresso and pastry) across the street from the apartment. There's something sinfully delightful about having what can only be described as a croissant covered in a mountain of nutella after a long run. 

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